Fotograf Dresden — BILDERMANN ® Fotografie | meine Kurzbiografie (Vita) in englisch

BILDERMANN ®, Dresden | meine Kurzbiografie (Vita) in englisch


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CV, short version

yours truly (without hat)

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  • Born in Zittau / Oberlausitz, Germany

  • Free lance photographer, pseudonym "Image Man" (BILDERMANN), since 1990; focus: journalism, documentaries, theatre, dance, free photography, portrait, fine art nudes

  • Member of the National Association of Graphic Artists (Bundesverband Bildender Künstler / BBK) since 1995

  • Personal exhibitions and contributions to photo exhibitions since 1982

  • Workshop and course leader, "Photography for beginners", "Advanced level Photography" and "Nudes", since 1997

  • Workshop and classes, "Digital photography for beginners", "Advanced level digital photography" and "Digital image processing using Adobe Photoshop", since 2000

  • Professional black & white photo enlargements of Prof. Evelyn Richter’s œuvre since 2002

  • Single, lives and works in Dresden / Germany

  • My photographic equipment

    To preempt the often asked question regarding the photographic equipment that I use, I want to share an anecdote.

    Henri Cartier-Bresson, the big master of French photography, who died in August 2004 aged 96, worked in Spain in his early years.

    When he returned back to Paris, he showed the results of his work to his friends, including the writer Gertrude Stein.

    She admired his photos, made many compliments and then asked which camera he had used.

    He answered as follows:
    "By the way my dear, I have read your new wonderful book. I have enjoyed it very much. But now please tell me, which Typewriter did you use to write it?"

    Translated by Angela Rannow & Andrew Ellis (Dresden)

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